Anyone else struggling to get their new born to sleep during the day? Some days are fine and he will have good naps but most days I either have to hold him or put him in the carrier. He is 12 weeks old and I'm getting worried that if I keep holding him or putting him in the carrier that he will only continue to sleep like that. Any tips?

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That's what I usually do and some days it works and others it doesn't.
Everyone keeps telling me that one day it will click so fingers crossed I comes soon but I guess our little ones are changing all the time. Today is a carrier day 😊
Thanks heaps for your comment 😊
08.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
My second was a little difficult with day sleeps on and off but he slept really well at night (which is so important when you have a toddler too!). We had a few crazy weeks where I pretty much just fed to sleep and put him down so we could survive, then focussed on better sleep habits once the crazy died down.

I would suggest maybe keep trying each time to put him in bed for naps, even if you have to stand or sit there and pat or shh to try and help him sleep... and then on those days when you realise it’s just not going to happen then make the call and do the cuddle or carrier sleep. Hopefully trying each day will mean more naps end up happening in bed over time so you can rest yourself or catch up on other things while baby gets good sleep.
08.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
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