I think if a woman is unable to truly love and show love to her child, it speaks volumes about her as a person. It has nothing to do with the hatred she feels for the father, but everything to do with her as a person
@alexistol33 my father and her had a horrible marriage and unfortunately I ended up on the receiving end of it all.
It's okay, I moved out of home almost three years ago now and I am glad I don't have to deal with her emotionally/mentally abusive ways
@paige_1999, well that’s fucked up. She obviously has issues and I’m so sorry you are on the receiving end of her negativity and self loathing. Nobody deserves that.
My mother is like this. Told me I'm just like my good for nothing father and that she should of aborted me when she found out she was pregnant with me 😔
I disagree with this. I hate my first son's father. He came to the hospital to make sure his son died! Then missed his funeral for drugs. I love my son with all my heart and soul. His father can rot and I wouldn't give a damn.
I hate dd’s dad. He was abusive, I wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire. I love my daughter, I would die for her as I would for my other two. This is false, for me, although there may be some women who feel that way. I don’t agree with it though.
I definitely do not agree with this... I also think that many women that "hate" their child's father does not truly hate them but is more mad at themselves for falling for someone like him.. but that's just my point of view
@ndnprincess7 that's true, I have a problem because it's generalizing. Not every woman is a good mother, not every child is being raised in love, however, I believe that this statement only applies to a smaller amount of mothers
@achappex3 not being funny, I found it on the web and thought it was insulting. Wondered if anyone else share my point of view. I agree that it's ignorant and offensive, and stupid
I actually have seen some women raising their kids like they hate them because they act like their dad. Constantly belittling their children, telling them how much they are like their no good father. I’ve seen it happen many times.
@pumpernickel lol, naw, I was just appalled by the level of ignorance that still exists in the information age 😧 it's like human beings are taking a few steps backward everyday