Hello ladies I’m a transplant from pink pad/baby bump and currently 9w5d from a fet. Hoping to see familiar faces and make new friends! Let’s get to know each other!😄
@mrs.vv, Awww Congratulations! I hit 10w3d today! I’m so happy to see you here and we are all still together! This site is definitely different from B.B. How far along are you today?
@donn1419, Of all the trimesters the first is the worst... The up and down nausea and exhaustion is no joke. The second is usually the best because the hormones have leveled off and we get our energy back with no ms! Just two weeks away lol. I’m just crying because I’m medically restricted from having no sex but it’s cool for me my mojo is just gone lol. My poor dh😬
That's good!! Hopefully no ms in T2...🤞 I'm good! 6 weeks today, 1st U/S is the 14th so another week away! My only symptoms are sore boobs and I'm tired. But other then that, nada! I'm hoping more symptoms start this week! Lol so I feel pregnant!
@donn1419, Pregnancy ms is up and down... Feel better today than I did yesterday. Energy levels are all over the place too... second trimester can’t come soon enough lol. No room for complaining! Seeing mfm on Thursday to do a dating scan and follow me until/after surgery. How have you been hun!? Did you get an ultrasound yet?