I am so thankful that at a young age I was able to understand how you should talk to your spouse, about your spouse, and with your spouse. (I was and am not perfect - I’ve had to learn over the years) It really breaks my heart when I get on this app and I read post about women bashing their man. Ladies, it doesn’t matter how “bad” he is. Quit bashing. Uplift him. Think good thoughts about him. Speak those good thoughts. Encourage him and most of all - quit always pointing your finger at him because chances are you have some pointing right back at you. Another thing - women quit telling other women to pack their stuff and leave a relationship (ESP a marriage) just because of one little thing or what you don’t think you’d tolerate in a relationship. Marriage is FOREVER. Change your perspectives and gain some respect and you know what helps the most? Pray for him, pray for yourself, do practical steps to change, and pray together for your marriage. You’ll see the change.