I am so thankful that at a young age I was able to understand how you should talk to your spouse, about your spouse, and with your spouse. (I was and am not perfect - I’ve had to learn over the years) It really breaks my heart when I get on this app and I read post about women bashing their man. Ladies, it doesn’t matter how “bad” he is. Quit bashing. Uplift him. Think good thoughts about him. Speak those good thoughts. Encourage him and most of all - quit always pointing your finger at him because chances are you have some pointing right back at you. Another thing - women quit telling other women to pack their stuff and leave a relationship (ESP a marriage) just because of one little thing or what you don’t think you’d tolerate in a relationship. Marriage is FOREVER. Change your perspectives and gain some respect and you know what helps the most? Pray for him, pray for yourself, do practical steps to change, and pray together for your marriage. You’ll see the change.

Лучший комментарий


I'm with you! You'll never see me post anything negative about my husband. I hate seeing posts on here with women saying how much there SO annoys them or how they want to punch them in the face or stuff like that. Just because y'all are married, doesn't mean you can talk shit about them 🤷🏿‍♀️
05.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I agree with you to a degree. Yes, marriage is work. Work from both sides. Both parties need to give it their all. When I can only give 20% he can pick up the slack and give 80% and vice versa. I hope that makes sense.
I think everyone would like to think they would leave their spouse if they committed adultery or were abusive but you never know until you're in the situation. I personally haven't had that in my marriage and pray I never do.
Also lots of times abusers don't change. Ever.
I'm a perfectly normal adult and my parents divorced when I was 5. 🤷🏼‍♀️ every situation is different for every person.
05.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
Agree with you 100%
05.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I couldn’t love his post more. I promised myself the only way I would ever divorce is by abuse or cheating. My husband cheated on me a year ago...had a full blown affair and got another woman pregnant. It was an awful experience and we were apart for a long time. I never thought in a million years I’d forgive him and get our family back together. Gods plans are far greater then our own.
04.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
My parents were married for 20 years, they were married after I was born. They were miserable together. My father did not physically abuse my mother but he did emotionally abuse her and definitely neglected her. My sister's and I asked her to leave him since I was 7. My parents staying together was a terribly traumatic childhood for us. Do I believe in marriage? Did I learn from their mistakes and am determined to never be my father in a relationship? Absolutely. That doesn't mean that everyone needs to stay together it can actually harm the kids well being. Every situation is different. Also please don't make neglect and other types of abuse seem lesser than the real harm it causes. It keeps people from coming out it
04.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@itsmely, right!!! Exactly how I feel. And it hasn’t always been rainbows and butterflies it has been WORK. Which is what I’m trying to state but people like to blow it out of proportion:)
04.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
couldn't agree more Its sad seeing some people say so.e things about their SO. I've learned so much being married to my husband who's si understanding and talks it through with me. I couldn't even bash him I'd feel bad because that man has taught me so many positive things in life I'm truly thankful for him and how far we've come ❤
04.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@dpushknockx, unless you know that situation on a very personal level, keep your judgments to yourself. I’m not saying I agree or disagree with these women. But you putting a blanket statement over all of them is ridiculous. Not all relationships can be worked out.
04.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@seanvna, 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ I came from a broken home. First person in my family to go to college. You can coparent just fine. Some people don’t belong together. And this is you judging from a status on the internet. Kids certainly are better off with both parents, but that doesn’t mean the parents have to be together to make it work.
04.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@alexistol33, what you are sating is true. Unfortunately, most of the women in those relationships knew before had how he was and still stay with them. You are also forgetting the fact that those children need a father. You will say they will be better but honestly how many kids who grew up in a broken home were ok as adults? Not many
04.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@alexistol33, most of those things happen before they had children and the women willingly stay with them.
04.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@alexistol33, neglect? Seriously. This is what I’m talking about. Neglect for what? He isn’t paying attention for a day? Marriage IS forever. It’s called w o r k I n g I t o u t.
04.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@koshadillz, there are certain things like abuse that shouldn’t be tolerated. Emotional abuse? That can be worked on and you don’t even know if the woman posting isn’t doing the same thing. Also, cheating - quit blasting all the mans information on social media and work on your relationship yourself. There’s obviously reasons why it has happened or maybe not - maybe he has an issue. Either way being told to “just leave” instantly annoys me. It’s called working it out because marriage is for better or for worse.
04.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
Um I don’t pray and marriage isn’t necessarily forever if there is abuse, neglect, cheating...should I keep going?
04.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
Yeah so let me uplift a guy who is either cheating, not keeping his hands to himself or is being emotionally abusive because marriage is "forever"... I do agree with your post for the most part. But some of the shit I read on here seriously makes me wanna just comment and tell those beautiful ladies to leave those abusive men.
04.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
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