Leighann Sumner
Leighann Sumner
I know yall are probably tired of reading my posts about my relationship. Im sorry i really am this is the only place i really have to vent so please just bare with me 😢 well . We still haven't had sex except for now no hugs , kisses , or i love yous. I feel so alone. I lost my job a couple weeks ago. And have filled out tons of application's but no luck. He has even gotten to the point he is mean to me and makes me cry and then when i cry mock me or make fun of me for crying . I know he cant love me. I know in my heart he hates me. And i also know i cant afford to leave . And he is a good dad to rhe kids. I feel so trapped and lonely. Its now 6am and i havent been to sleep. I have been crying all night long. I juat want to be held and be told i am loved. What happend to the man i fell in love with. The man i had two beautiful children with. Why does the man i love so much hate me. And better yet why do i still love him. Does anyone have any advice ? Do you think he could still love me? Any advice on what to do? Anyone been there before ? Ohhhh and better yet somehow my period is late . I dont even know how. We haven't had sex and i swear i havent cheated. Im so scared. I am starting to cramp so maybe its coming. Smh.

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You can leave him! Your strong pretty and don't deserve what he's putting you through mama! Just keep telling yourself I can get away and do it without him. In the end he will lose out he said be lucky to have you in his life. 💕 all you have to worry about is your baby.
04.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
You may think you can't afford to leave but that's what social services is for, you go down to the office and tell them you're recently unemployed and you have two children you need to support. You could qualify for housing assistance and snap and that will be just enough to get you on your feet and out of that situation. It's best for your children to leave the situation too. I know you still have feelings for him and he's good with your kids but you deserve to have someone who really cares and loves you which he does not. It's only going to cause permanent mental and emotional damage for you if it hasn't already. You do have to let him go and realize he's not good for you.
04.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@reeahsoblessed, yes!! Know your worth and be somebody. Detaching is your best option right now
04.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I agree with her ^^ detach yourself and focus on yourself. Find a hobby. Get yourself back find strength through your children. Who cares if he don't love your children love you and need you. it's not easy but u stand ur ground as a woman and know your worth. Y'all can still live together civially until u get independent to not depend on anybody. It's plenty other men out there. And no female deserves to be treated and put down from the father of their child. Hit me up if u ever need to talk
04.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I hate that you are going through that. You have to do whats best for you and the kids. You have to find a way to detach from him and focus on yourself. Try to get on daycare assistance in your area if you have it so you dont have to depend on him. If hes not in love with you anymore he should tell you.
04.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
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