I think I’m good with only one child but my husband is dead set on having two. I have thyroid issues so I’ll have three doctors I’ll have to see almost every month during pregnancy. Not to mention the possible health risks.. idk what to do 😒😐
@santanaanna that is a valid point. maybe give it a bit more time and then reevaluate? Your bubs is only 1 and a half. I remember with my middle child I was adamant that I was done and our family was complete. As time went on I did changed my mind. I also understand the deep seated no I am done. After my 3rd baby I knew for sure I don't want anymore. I would love some baby cuddles but the though of doing it all again makes me shudder. My youngest is 2 and a bit.
Do you not want another child because of health risks? If that os the case What about adoption? Bring up your concerns with him and see if that is something you are willing to explore. Having a baby to please him will just make you resent him and the child. Not fair to all parties.