Sophie Louise arrived at 10.05am this morning weighing 9lbs via an emergency c-section due to not dilating enough. Was in labour for 31 hours. Our precious baby girl has got Apert syndrome which was failed to be picked up on all of her scans. She is in an incubator to help her to breathe. It's been a tough few days for me, my partner and mum who was there for the birth.
@simonecousins2307 she's beautiful :) and as for the operations please go look at ссылка they make hospital gowns and pjamas for hospital for poorly bubbas and those having operations :) my mother in law volunteers making them and not many people know about them
@melanie-spiritmedium it is. The midwives have launched a investigation as to why the sonographers never picked it up especially at the 36 week growth scan I had. She has got so much hair ❤ explains all the heartburn I had haha. Thank you xx
Shocking that they failed to notice on your scans but I’m sure she will be fine, she is beautiful she’s got a better head of hair than me lol congratulations xx
@lattelover2018 Thank you. They can she will be having a fair few operations in the first year of her life bless her. We are getting transferred to the John radcliffe hospital in Oxford at some point this week as they are the specialists over there x