So yesterday I was in a waiting room for 5 hours with both my kids. There was a lot of other moms with kids of all ages but mainly under 3. So a mom sitting next to me has a new baby about 4-5 weeks. She take out her formula to feed him and is instantly attack by a mom sitting across from us. Because she put cereal in her baby bottle.
I don't care what you read online or what your dr told you. There is never a reason to shame or "educate" (as the mom used) another mom in public. At the end of the day she going to feed her baby whatever she what's no matter what anyone says. it just makes me so mad when strange try to tell you what your doing wrong and get mad when you disagree. There 3 moms yelling at her before I jumped in. Just sad. People need to mind there business and silently judge or talk shit on some mom group later.