RAVE!!! Autism mama!! My first IEP last year I cried my eyes out. This year I cried tears of joy. I was his voice and he's finally getting his. He went from being nonverval to forming sentences. From special ed and know he's going to general ed. ❤❤❤ so proud of this little guy. 😁
That is amazing news! I had an IEP all through school, 3rd grade on. Once i got mine i did so much better in school as well. Don’t stop being his voice! Know that IEP in an out. We got caught teachers not doing what was on my IEP one time in high school. I was getting frustrated because i was reading the book assigned to our class to read. Well it was Shakespeare’s and i hard time reading a regular English book. So you can see how Shakespeare’s would be tough. Well they gave me a different version that would explain things more and kind take out a lot of the old English. Anyways it was different than the original book. Well i kept failing every test on this damm book. Found out they were quizzing me on the original book..... we fought and the teacher refused to retest. She was fired on the spot. No questions asked. She was also a tenured teacher.
Let your son be apart of the meeting too. Make sure he knows or knows as much as he can about it. I wish i knew mine better. Your going a great job Momma!
That's so awesome!! My 4 year old son has Autism, so I can definitely relate. There is so much to be proud of and so much to look forward to. Wishing you guys all the best!
@singlemommaof3 thank you. Mama bear came out a couple times this year. I'm a very shy person but not when it comes to my kids. I love seeing his improvement its the best thing. 🙂
@momof2gs here is also 3 hours. He's only going the be taken out of class 3 days a week for 30 minutes For speech. Awww that's great they include her. I live in front of the school the kindergarten playground is right infront of my house so I'm going to be spying on him lol
My son is autistic. Those IEP meetings can be frustrating at times. My son is in Kindergarten. He is in special ed but the curriculum is general ed. It is challenging but he’s improved so much!
Congratulations to your son. Keep on fighting for him. My sons school and the district already know me because I won’t stay quiet when things don’t go like they should.
@letty1311, I have that same fear mama. My Gia is in a regular kinder class & half the day in an intensive needs special ed class. (Kinder here is only 3 hrs a day). She’s making a lot of progress but still has a ways to go. So far her classmates love her & include her in everything & it melts my heart bc she has communication & socialization issues that could make her seem “weird” to them.
@momof2gs thank you. Yes we still have many challeges and many more speech therapy sessions . He will also receive help in gerenal ed. My only worries is other kids not including him or making fun of him.
I’m also an autism mama so I know the rollercoaster of emotions on a daily basis let alone during an iep. It’s so hard to hear anything less that positive about your child. Just know, he has challenges not limitations!! I’m so happy he’s had such amazing progress & I pray it continues for you both ❤️
Let your son be apart of the meeting too. Make sure he knows or knows as much as he can about it. I wish i knew mine better. Your going a great job Momma!