So I have pcos and was recently put it metformin 500mg 2x a day and was wondering if anyone has had any success story I'm on cd2 I Guess The Metformin Also Helps Bring A Period So That's A Plus Being That I Only Get 2-3 A Year Without Any meds.
Call your health insurance company or anyone you're interested in and ask them what they cover for TTC. Also I think you just ask if your health insurance has an FSA (flexible spending account) plan and what the terms of it are
@jasminejasso20 yea, it really sucks for tracking ovulation.
But if you have a flexible spending account through insurance you can use it for TTC items. It covers vitamins too. I dont know if straight insurance does though.
Our miracle boy just turned 1 so I'm not actively TTC atm (not really preventing either) but when we do start actively trying I'm going right back on Metformin
@boymomrd Yea I've Been Having The Nausea And Dizziness And Heartburn.... I Started My period And I Wasn't Sure If It Was something That Happened With The Metformin Once It Starts Working but that's Good For Me
@jasminejasso20 The worst side effect I got was nausea and just general tummy upset with heartburn. I also had some dizziness but it wasn't as bad. I couldn't keep anything down except yogurt
That Gives Me Hope! I'm Also On a Pill To Help Regulate My Thyroid Levels So I'm Hoping I Get Good Results On Both.... What Side Effect Did Yu Get With Metformin?
After 5 years of trying unsuccessfully I was finally diagnosed with PCOS. I conceived after only 2 months on Metformin. Same dosage you are on. Sending baby dust your way.