Ladies, I know nothing.. I’m just tryna see what the hype is about. I’m not here enough tbh. There’s a few non groups I’m in on Facebook that narrow down to ppl who can relate to me. I’m not trippin. Just hope we all get along. If not...🤷🏾♀️
You are aware this is an app that anyone is free to use right? Lmao and the app literally told us to come here. Welcomed us. Literally changed the name to “ FOR BABYBUMP USERS”
I didn’t miss your point no one is actually “venting” in the venting and tmi channel we used our rants and raves forum on bb as a general forum for posting everything not just ranting and raving and that is what’s happening in venting and tmi now.@muthanatural,
@taylorsmommy1017, is the app still open? Couldn’t they do a roll call on there so they can find each other?! Maybe should put a hashtag or something so they can find each other quicker 🤷🏾♀️
@sparklingjewels, you missed my point momma. She’s saying everyone is venting and stuff and I just said well it’s a bit fast because what it sounds like they just came and took over in a snap. Idc if they vent or not that’s what this app is for.
@muthanatural, what? Lmao she means they’ve taken that section over not that they are out throwing personal business around but even if they were that’s their business to put it there. And about a dozen ogs have made posts complaining that the bb gals aren’t putting enough info out there soo 🤷🏼♀️
Picture this. Suddenly, Mom.Life puts out an announcement that it’s closing. We all freak the fuck out. Baby Bump app makers say “hey, why don’t y’all come over here so you don’t lose all your stuff or friends?” And we go omgggg yay thank youuuuuu and everyone joins it at once. I know I would be trying to find all my Mom.Life friends over there. And B.B. users would probably be annoyed at us for the same thing. Honestly just put yourselves in their shoes. They did not WANT their app to shut down but shit happens. Can’t change it now so just give it a week or so and it will calm down 🤷🏻♀️
@taylorsmommy1017, ahhh. I remember at one point I didn’t go on here for awhile because these fake profiles kept popping up. I reported it and I was told to report every page and that was too much. So what I did was did a roll call and made group messages so I wouldn’t care about the TL. Tbh I haven’t noticed bbs until only 3 ppl post about them. Is it the fact that they keep saying B.B. moms as well? Would anyone notice otherwise? And how in the hell they found out about this app? Is the same ppl? So many questions
There was a lot of B.B. users at
Once ! Lol it flooded the time line it’s good seeing new faces ... just alotttttttt at once at least for me can’t speak for the other veterans ❤️