@mommy_tojay, I had an epidural but it stopped working like and hour and a half before I started pushing so I gave birth without it and I pray that next baby it doesn’t stop working. I have honestly thought about even having a home birth or just no epidural in the hospital but my first labor and delivery scared me so Idk lol btw I was 18 when I had my son so I think you could do it!
I think anyone can do it if they put their mind to it! Watching natural births on YouTube kinda prepared me. I knew I wanted to do natural from day 1 almost.
I just listened to my midwives. They helped me breathe thru contractions. I tried different positions, tried massage, tried the birthing ball and peanut, breathed nitrous from a mask to take the edge off. I had horrible contractions, nothing helped but I got thru it.
@kambam I'm 17 you think I can do it? Did you use any technic or do anything to not feel the contractions as much or at least not think about them so you can get through it?