@emz88lou226, if you’ve already lost a baby and your terrified then you’d of gone to the hospital no matter what I don’t care wether you claim you had no way of getting home if you were that scared you’d of gone and got checked out regardless so don’t try giving me that bullshit story.
@ryanhodg3, swear to god! Makes me sick to my stomach someone can make something like that up knowing a lot of us on here have been through that awful and terrifying experience of actually loosing a baby and knowing how hard it is to trust your body to carry another without anything going wrong xxx
@vic22 oooooh I didn't notice that, just thought it was weird you'd take a blurred photo of your scan. When you can clearly selfie fine so nothing wrong with camera 😂
On her profile it states she lost her baby back in 2016. So why is the scan on her deplay pic dated 2013 ? 🤔 it maybe blurt but you can still make it out.
@emz88lou226, if you’ve already lost a baby and your terrified then you’d of gone to the hospital no matter what I don’t care wether you claim you had no way of getting home if you were that scared you’d of gone and got checked out regardless so don’t try giving me that bullshit story.
@melanie-spiritmedium because I didn't want to be stuck at hospital with no way of getting home that's why and I deleted it because I'm sick of bitchyness from people
@beffgoude, @melanie-spiritmedium, cos she chats bollocks trying to get attention when many of us have actually been through that awful experience! And when she’s caught out and brought up about it she deletes posts just like the did with the beer one 🤬
@emz88lou226 very convient you deleted the first post and then wrote this one with facts I'd put in the last one. but hey ho, guess you'd need to cover up your bs story when you get called out by people 😎🐟🐟
my conscience is clear, you cant guilt trip me. I've been through it myself so know the procedure.
@beffgoude WTF I haven't been hospital yet! I had Dr out 3am this morning because no way of getting there no buses or money so back off I'm going through hell already lost one baby bad enough you lot judge me when don't know facts