
Why Is My 2-Year-Old Suddenly Struggling with Sleep?

-My son will be 2 next month and he’s pretty much always been on a good schedule..he usually takes his nap anywhere between 1&2 and sleeps an hour to hour and a half. Well the past couple of days he has fought going to sleep PERIOD! He didn’t fight his nap yesterday, but woke up SCREAMING after 30 minutes and today he still hasn’t went to sleep. Last night he woke up 2 times crying! Nothing has changed recently so I’m not sure what is going on! 🤷🏻‍♀️ does anyone have any suggestions?! Please help a momma out! 😩😩

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2 year old molars coming in by any chance?
24.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
Ughh, I guess we may have to give the toddler bed a try. I don’t know if I’m ready 😩😂 that may be just what he needs is a little independence 😔
24.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
@sgarland21, Oh Okay And Yes 😌 My Son Is In A Toddler Bed His Couple Of Months Growing Up He Barely Liked Sleeping In His Crib But I Slowly Had To Force Him Back In His Crib And Out My Bed And He Finally Is Used To His Bed And Sleeping On His Own But The Only Way I Kept Him In It Was Giving Him One Of My Shirts To Sleep With So He Could Have My Scent Near Him To Sleep Longer
24.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
@layyy, I don’t think he’s getting sick 🤞🏻 he eats like a horse so I don’t think that’s the problem. He was doing just fine until yesterday and it’s like a switch just flipped. He usually grabs his blanket and I’ll fill his cup up and he lays down and goes right to bed. Is your son in a toddler bed? Brayden is still in a crib and I’m kinda wondering if that might be some of the problem..because today he was good and had his cup and blanket and as soon as I layed him down in his crib was when he got fussy. I kinda wonder if he feels trapped now maybe?
24.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
Sounds Like My Situation With My Son 🤔 I Just Think It Has Something To Do With Them Getting Older And Thier Schedules Starts To Change A Bit And A Lot More Energized Then They Are Tired What I Do For My Son Is Feed Him BreakFast Before His Nap @ 1 O'Clock And Let Him Watch A Little Bit Of Paw Patrol And Then Let Him Run His Energy Out And I Give Him A Cup Of Milk And He Go Lay Down On His Own Intill His Eye Lids Gets Real Heavy And He'll Fall Asleep With No Problem / Sometimes I Would Have To Rock Him If He's Still Being Fussy, Could He Be Getting Sick ? Or Just Hungry ? Or Night Terrors ?
24.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
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