Are there any mom's out there that feel like they are doing it on there own and the father is there under the same roof. ?????? Just asking cause I'm tired of feeling lost and lonely. I need help and love. Just like he needs
@donnydayb, right I be wanna do the same thing to mines like you see how fast he’s growing like get your shh together like you can’t talk about no one else and there parenting cause you do the same thing. Going to work is nothing it’s a piece of cake but being a full time mom/wife yeah that’s a job that you have till you check out of here I don’t put my son of on nobody he’s with me every day all day I told my husband you wouldn’t last a second if you had to stay home with the kids while I worked you’ll loose your mind you don’t have that mind set I just pray for guidance and do what I have to for my kids cause I know it’s gonna pay off soon.
@3babyboyz if I can't get asked what is wrong ever I wouldn't be so tired of trying to hope to hear what I want to hear from him but I'm tired and just want to give up on figuring out what his deal is with not helping me though this all.
My case might not be that bad. But at some points when I do feel like I do end up fighting with him and it never ends up good. So I’ll be mad with him until he asks me if I’m still mad or what’s wrong with me. until then I ignore him I give him attitude. Ignore his calls texts U know just mad with him. So if he wants something from me or just wants to talk he gotta smooth things over first and that’s when I tell him what’s bothering me..
@iviesha thank you that is the same way I feel but I told him he needs to calm the fxck down on the drinking and that if he didn't he wasn't going to like how it was going to go for him in the long run. And that made his stop drinking as much. I can't stand that shit though when they know they was there and was like yeah I'm going to be there for you and the baby and just change the game up like hold up what you do you think your axx is doing I just want to snatch his axx up and tell his seriously cause this don't last for ever now enjoy the shxt
@donnydayb, I know the feeling it gets old. We need a break as well when I say I don’t get no break I don’t get no break. My spouse likes to take pills and sit in the garage all damn night then try an ask me if I want to have sex at three four clock in the morning hell naw I don’t I’m tired and I’m pregnant like cut that shh out don’t get an attitude when shh don’t happen your way. Your son needs you not half just cause I’m his mom doesn’t mean I have to be both and you wonder why he treats you like he does it’s cause your intoxicated most of the time and sleep I’ve worked 12 hours before standing on my feet all day and still come home and do what I’m supposed to do because I have somebody to look after even on my off days I still had to get up I didn’t sleep my days away then complain about it like grow up before it’s too late. I don’t tell him anything or make him be a father he should want that just cause you go to work and provide your still a father at the end of the day
@kandbh922 what is where i wasn't to drug him and make him my puppet like I'm so confused tired and lost. I just want to figure it out for at least a week I am on eggshells right now big time.
@iviesha see I say the same shit maybe cause he wants his daddy and you won't pick him up and hold him and show him love like he does that phone of his. All he wants is his daddy time that is all. I just want at least thirty minutes to myself I hate to be away from my baby but I need some time to build myself back up everyday just like him you know.
@kandbh922 at this point even then it would be hard cause then he would want to be apart of his life if I left but wouldn't want to do the role you know what I mean.
@iviesha I'm on eggshells with this shit cause when my son is teething he wants mommy then he wants to get mad cause he doesn't want something from me it wants either my dad to give it to him or his father to give it to me and then him wants his dad to put him up till me is calm again. But I get no here take him. And goes off and does shit that doesn't have anything to do with us at all and gets mad at me the sec I ask something cause he feels that he doesn't need to do anything I need to do it all. Girl I'm in my feelings hardcore and I just want it all out.
Yes and I’m over it. My son has been getting an attitude with my spouse here lately. And I’m like well maybe it’s cause your around but your not in the picture cause you choose to sleep your off days away. And he be getting mad like don’t get upset just do your part and not just half do it he agreed himself that it’s like I’m s single parent. Yeah it sure does feel like it
@daniellejan see love I've tired to talk to him about how I need help just like he does but he tells me I do give you help and then gets mad at me and then goes back on his phone and doesn't talk to me still he isn't in his feelings anymore.
@courtney5610 see I have already had that talk with him about something different but I thought he would at least see I'm not have a good day and be like I'll help you no. It's all about his YouTube videos, music, his car, then a whole lot about his job. You get what I'm saying right I'm trying not to stress it all out on here.
I did with my daughter. I told him “If im gonna be a single mom, im gonna do it under a different roof where I’m happy” he never tried once I said that and we left (due to other safety reasons)