Nicki Eakins
Nicki Eakins
Forgive me but I need to vent, badly. My husband complains that I need to remember to ask for help. But my issue with that is why should I have to ask? You notice that I'm tired, or that I have a headache or worse a migraine. He suggests putting her down for a nap and taking a nap myself. But he never offer to take the monitor so I don't have to keep one ear on her. He comes home from work and takes a nap. But then does he offer to give me an hour and sit and play with his daughter? No he cuddles her for a bit and then leaves the room. I don't need help every day, but once in a while an offer would be a wonderful thing. If he would just say, go watch TV, take a nap, take a bath. I'll watch OUR daughter while you take some time. Rant over. Thank you.

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I feel the same way.
22.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
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