Need your advice mummies!!! My little girl has been a reallumy good sleeper since 6 week old.. it got to the stage where i put her to bed awake and she said night and love you back to me and got herself to sleep.. for the past week or so shes been stood screaming at her door not wanting to go to sleep on herself! We've tried everything such as reading a book, singing, white noise, tried letting her cry it out tonight but she starts throwing her toys out of her bedroom so that we go up to her.. i really dont know what else to do 😭 has anyone been through this before? Shes also waking up in the middle of the night a couple of times just wanting to be with us.. sorry for the long post i just dont know where else to turn 😢

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@mrsmowmow 6 weeks!! 😲😭😭 wow! Shes only been doing it over a week and im knackered! Thank you i think we need to be more strict its just so stressful hearing her cry like she does xx
19.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
Right ok al try that tommorrow thanks again:) x
18.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
@graciesmummy the min I knew he was out of bed I went up and put him back in, was very repetitive like. and I'd just use your judgement on the crying I just intervened with Brody when he got to worked up and calmed him down then put him back.
18.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
@beffgoude thankyou for the reply.. everytime weve been going up she walks herself back to bed and gets in but as soon as we go to walk out shes back out again screaming like someone's murdering her! How long was you leaving him to cry before going back up? Xx
18.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
I had this stage with Brody where he'd do things just to get any reaction from us, be it positive or negative. All I can suggest is just stick with the routine, just put them back in bed etc. and don't give in, alot of things with toddlers is just them testing to see what works for a reaction, they give up eventually when they see it doesn't work.
Sorry if that's not much help, but good luck and hope she goes back to sleeping through again for you xx
18.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
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