Any mom's out there who has experience with congenital scoliosis in infants? I know it's rare, but my 6 1/2 month old was just diagnosed with it.. and just curious about other peoples experiences, what kind of treatment they had done, or just to share stories.. it's been quite an ordeal throughout this whole thing.. and I've stopped myself from doing too much reading on Google about it

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Hi Ashley, we do not have this experience but my baby was born with congenital hypothyroid, and I was so worried. I googled every single time and that made me even more frustrated. There are a lot of wrong information in the internet. We found a right doctor and my baby is recovered, she is not on medication anymore. So, please look for a right doctor and do not read from internet. Babies are strong, and I believe your baby will make it too. Good luck !
12.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
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