Moms, I need help or advice. I feel like I’m gonna go insane with these mornings. We fight with our 4 yo to get ready for school just about every morning. What can I do?!
I feel things just keep getting worse! Is it the age? Does this happen to most 4 yo? I just feel like it’s getting worse and he’s doing more “following” of other kids with bad things. I just don’t know what to do. I feel like nothing i do is working. He really is a good kid just acting out quite a bit lately
Have him go to bed early...i usually put some music on n make alot of noise...i have a 13 n 7yr old n my youngest hate gettn up but when he here that music he yells at me n says im up mommy plzzz turn down the music lol
Maybe let him help pick out his clothes for school. Let him be involved in picking of breakfast. He may be more likely to do things without fighting if he feels like he picked the things he wants.