Im horrible!!!😂 we can't get unlimited Wi-Fi where we live and my in-laws can't quite get that through their heads.... so they watch YouTube on their tv's for hours every day. We get 250 gigs a month and went through it all in 2 weeks so I keep having to add to it. This time I told them that they can't keep watching YouTube because we are on a limited amount of data and YouTube takes too much. My father in law replied to that with "I'm not the one paying the extra so it's Okay." And then turned on YouTube.... so yesterday while he was gone I deleted YouTube from his tv's.... He is freaking out that he can't watch YouTube right now... and I'm just playing like I have no idea how to get it back or why it's gone. Don't be an asshole and I wont be hilarious!😂😂

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I pay the cable and the Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi alone is over $100 to start with but then having to add data 2-3 times a month makes it stupid expensive!
We have Netflix but don't use it. Lol
11.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
I'm pretty sure there is a way to block it completely. If you know how to use the pirate bay you should teach him that way he can still watch anything he can think of but will have to download it etc should cost less than YouTube that's for sure lol but good move, he wasn't going to stop on his own I could just tell by his responses.. Do you pay the bill to? Because if you don't than that's kind of fucked up ( no offence ) If he ends up finding a way to get it back you could always show him one of the bills and make him pay it etc . Or maybe get a free month of Netflix I use my data everyday and it doesn't use as much as you would think.
11.04.2018 Нравится Ответить
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