@addeeisme oh ok that's helpful cause I've been taking them in the morning but then I end up throwing it up. Yea I just started last week to feel more nauseous and not be able to hold down food. I hope I don't go the whole pregnancy like this
@abby013 I totally feel you. I was nauseous until 25ish weeks x) I threw up three times while I was in labor, but after that, its all done and you feel normal again. I was put on dicleges (or however its spelt) ask your doctor if you want medical help. Also, if you're not already, any pill or prenatal, take at night
@girlmom. Oh yeah! Peppermints or anything minty helps with nausea. @abby013 try essential oil peppermint. Wet a wash cloth and drip some of that on there
@addeeisme yea I've been trying but just seems everytime I eat just comes out. I should try eating that way cause it is horrible throwing up everything