Girls is there any work I can do or anything to earn Abit of money from home I'm bored and need to start getting more money in til I can get free childcare help! Any ideas? I've done juice plus etc just need to do something!
Most jobs offer 18hours and flexibility with haven a child , plus ul get working tax through out the week then ur wage and will still prob get help with ur rent x
I don't mind that to be fair I mean it's just finding a job for that amount of hours and all my money isn't going on travel etc need to have as much money to put towards my partners cos we are struggling and can't afford to pay to much childcare so trying to find something that works easily for us all really xx
There isn’t a lot to be fair and getting a little part time job u won’t pay much Nursey fees cos ul get most paid for u don’t actually get free child care you get 15 free hours but u have to work 18 plus to get nursery fees so ud still have to put it to it