I got it once when my daughter was two weeks she hated the right boob with burning passion the first few weeks and I’m pretty sure that’s what caused it always being engorged on that side
Avoiding mastitis is basically breastfeeding regularly, wear good fitting bras & shirts, make sure baby has a good latch. I recently had a clogged milk duct that I massaged and it was gone in about a day.
Breastfeeding from both breast making sure you don’t get clogged ducts of milk like she said massaging them while in the shower making sure baby latches right too
5 months breastfeeding and I haven’t had it! I did get a clogged duct once in the beginning (lasted less than 24 hours) but I was told to massage my boobs whenever I’m in the shower. So I do that. I also pump after each feeding to make sure I feel “empty”. Hope that helps you. 🙂