My boyfriend honestly doesn’t believe this baby could come early... any baby can come at any time, especially before your due date! I pray that she doesn’t, but it’s still a little possibility in the back of my mind! I was packing up some stuff tonight for her hospital bag, and he laughed at me, saying, “we have a couple of months left, it’s too early for that.” NO ITS NOT!! 😂🙄🤦🏼♀️ never too early to be prepared.
Now I've got twins on the way and I'm stuck on hospital bed rest at 31 weeks (been here for a week and 3 days) since they tried making their arrival and I'm already 6cm and 75%effaced
So it's better to prepare early and have every thing ready for baby rather than wait and not have anything ready (like me during this pregnancy) and then baby decides to make an early arrival.