Mommy question : okay so I'm new to this . I was wondering if it was normal for my 18 month old not to know how to talk ? He tries so hard and I work with him but he just wont it's like the words won't come out ! What can I do ?
We were worried because for awhile there it seemed like we'd have to raise our voices for our son to hear us, turns out he has excellent hearing he was just being stubborn. 😂
@kobeesmommy14 Sounds like he is behind, does it seem like he hears you well? Like when you say his name? Or do you have to physically touch him to get his attention?
I'll ask about that and look into it thanks I appreciate it. He only says bye. And waves . He wines allot too . I try to do everything I think it's his father genes 😁
Early intervention is best, I think by two they're normally able to be speak about 50 words if I remember correctly. By three I think it was 200 words, my son was barely saying 30 by that age.
@mommiewithtattoos That's the first step, I say talk about speech therapy because usually the pedi will rule out other things first. My son saw an ENT and then was sent by the ENT to have his hearing checked. When that all came back normal the pedi went ahead and put in a referral for speech therapy. (I have childrens Medicaid for him so you have to go thru a bunch of steps for everything)