I'm in need of a way to ask my husband for help without sounding like a jerk... He has no job so I feel like he needs to be pulling some of the weight around here instead of sitting on the couch with his nose in his phone. It seems like every day I have to convince myself that moving out and figuring this all out on my own isn't going to work as smooth as I want it to.

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@mommaxbearx, they won't talk about it in front of me but I know that his dad has multiple times heard that he has a job doing something and then calls the owner of the company and tells them that he has no idea what he is doing and they shouldn't hire him. His mom says "he doesn't ask you for help with his job, so you don't need to be asking him for help with yours!" She hates when I remind him that he has no job and it's their fault.
23.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
@lilmommy93, Oh okay well that's a little different and why on earth do they not want him to get a job? I mean really what parent sits down and says " I don't want my child to get a job " I mean in order to have any kind of life you need to work.. Sorry if that seems a little rude I am not trying to be I am just trying to be realistic. & yeah they probably will decide to start a custody battle but I highly doubt he will win, he lives at home with his mom and dad and doesn't have a job all of which will hurt him because he isn't " self sufficient " . Either way I say that you do what you have to do, you need your own space and life outside of his parents who seem a little controlling in my opinion.
23.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
I say you do what you have to do! No one wants to live with their inlaws and no one wants a man that doesn't help out with just having a job. I feel like that's his reapobsability!
23.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mommaxbearx, right now we live with his mom and dad and they don't want him getting a job. I want to get out of their house before this baby is born and have told them all that if we aren't moved by the end of May I am taking things in to my own hands and that includes moving to Oregon... but then I know that they will make him start a custody battle.
23.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
I don't think that would make you a jerk like if you need help, he's your husband you should be able to ask for help as well as receive it. & doing it on your own will be harder BUT how different would it really be if he isn't helping financially? I am sure he's a great husband but you wouldn'6 be alone because of your beautiful babies. :) I think you could definitely do it girl. & as for how to ask I would just ask if he would be willing to get a job to help out more, and that it would really help more with expenses that you could do more things, afford more maybe even a better place to live :) and then just go from there. I hope this helps :)
23.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
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