@shannonmallory93, she doesn’t have them too bad and the night terrors are rare but now she’s got more teeth coming and you can tell they are really hurting her she’s so whiney and clingy during the day and i feel so bad because I also have her brother and I’m pregnant so trying to get equal time with both is rough some days
@jnanzer94 yeah night terrors are scary AF, I used to have them bad as a kid when I was put on Adhd meds, and scared the shit outta people.... Especially my parents... But I wouldn't even remember it the next day, and it would be the same time every night, like I was possessed or something!!
Mixture of both @shannonmallory93 but she’ll chew on the side of her bed she refuses to give up a bottle I think mostly because her brother uses them. I’ve seen her night terrors before their awful
I haven’t but I’m going too for the pain, that’s what I’ve been doing just comforting her it’s awful, especially because she shares a room with her 11 month old brother
Do you give medicine ? I give my son Tylenol/motrin to help at night . He does the same thing .
If you don't do medicine then the only thing you can do is comfort her back to sleep