@breederofboyz, thank you, I will check those out. She really wants to go outside but the weather is still too bad here. We will be outside all summer!
Most kids can't sit still so that's appropriate for her age . Pintrest has good ideas for like making sensory boxes or boards filled with different things . Or letting her run around outside .
@breederofboyz, I try to do that as well. She loves dance and movement so I will put YouTube on and dance with her and she loves climbing so I got her a climbing toy. But in general she seems bored and when I sit down and try to do activities with her she doesn't seem to want to. I am struggling to keep her entertained
Lol no problem. What does she like. I try to buys toys according to my sons likes. If she likes writing maybe an easel with a chalk and erase board. Or if she likes music toy instruments are good. My son loves playing with balls so anything ball related gets him excited .