Baby is almost 6 months and we never sleep trained.He is still EBF and began sleeping through the night at almost 3months. Now, he wakes 4 to 5 times between 7pm-6am since mid 5months old and will only go back to bed when nursed. He is more fussy/cranky often now(teething is not helping) and i am hoping it gets better at 6months(when we start solids) or we will be forced to sleep train (it breaks my heart to hear him cry so hard though...we gave it a try before but gave up). Anyone else in similar dilemma?

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They could sleep better, or not. Its hard to say really as all babies are different. If you can, hang in there because it does get better. Holding off on gentle sleep training until close to 1 is best.
14.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
@sharlet002, also he can start having baby cereal anytime too throughout the day! So that should help his tummy stay fuller at night
14.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
@sharlet002, it’s definitely not a good habit to keep nursing him if he’s already been fed. reason being is because you’re giving him extra calories that he doesn’t need, which will mean he will continue to wake up to eat nightly. At 6 months he shouldn’t be needing night time feedings and should be able to cry it out for short amounts of time :) I know it’s hard to hear them cry and you wanna just run in there and go get them but trust me, it’s the most beneficial way of training them that nighttime=sleep time!
14.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
@sharlet002, i had him on a schedule eating every 4 hours at 1 month and when i told my dr she yelled at me telling me thats not right hes a baby and all this so i stopped and now its hard to do anything
14.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
@coltonsmommy17 it just makes it somewhat harder now to get a good sleep even at night since i no longer know what day time naps are anymore😣...i was hoping twas going to get better as they grow😐
14.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mckayla.wilsonb Yea, i read about the seperation anxiety some days ago, after i noticed he kept startling while falling asleep for a nap. I think i will definitely try out the method of letting him cry ut out and i go in once in a while to reassure him that i am not far because i dont think it is a good habit to keep nursing him just so he can sleep at night...especially because i am aware their stomachs are larger now and should feed less during the nights.🤔
14.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
@kambam Good to know its totally mentioned sleeping as a learned milestone(which i totally agree with) but these days, almost every topic related to babies revolves around 'sleep training' and different menthods (and how mothers who do not do it are withholding the gift of falling asleep solo from their baby) as if it solves all the issues related to, i feel like a failure if i dont go through with it atleast, and get that out of the way. However, One question that keeps popping up in my mind is that, do all sleep trained babies never have issues sleeping afterwards, even during the expected regression phases (as do their counterparts)?
14.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
My youngest is 16 months and still wakes up at night 😂 it’s a phase they all go through. Your best bet is to stick to a strict nap/bedtime schedule. If you feel like his teeth might be an issue then give him something for the pain and he should be good. Unfortunately he’s gonna cry. Babies at that age go through so many different things and different milestones along with teething and regressions, as well as separation anxiety. Only thing you can really do is let him cry it out and go in once in a while to reassure that you aren’t far.
14.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
my little ones 6m and wakes up 2-3 times a night still
14.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
Babies go through sleep regression and teething definitely doesn't help. Sleep training before 1 isn't a solution and they may regress several times even through toddlerhood. Sleeping is a learned milestone and some babies reach it quicker than others. Just know its totally normal.
14.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
Look up sleep regression . what helped me get through this with my first was a strict schedule/routine
14.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
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