My baby is 3 weeks, since yesterday it seems as though it hurts when she has a bowel movement. Any suggestions? It doesn’t happen every time. I do breast and bottle feed.
@raf2590, oh no. Please look for the breastfeeding support group for black women on Facebook. After your baby is born your body produces colostrum which is all baby needs. It may take a few days for “mature” milk to come in. You shouldn’t be pumping before 6 weeks unless your baby is in NICU and it’s hard because again in the beginning your only producing colostrum, which is thick and not easily extracted by a pump. You also shouldn’t time your feedings. Let your baby nurse at the breast until they come off on their own then switch. You want to alternate the starting boob at each feeding. The information you’ve been getting is going to cause you to think you don’t have enough when you do. Put that baby to your breast and ditch the formula. And again, unless you are physically unable to nurse baby due to physical limitations you should not be pumping just yet.
@telliey, yes, when I was in the hospital, I wasn’t producing much. They told me to let her nurse on each breast for 5 min, then the rest in formula .... It’s much better now, and I also got an electric pump as well.
Why are you supplementing? It’s most likely the formula causing the upset tummy. It could also be vitamin D drops if you’re giving it to her. Drops on top of formula would be a horrible combo