sasha and tobias🖤
sasha and tobias🖤
HELP! This weekend I have to take a one hour flight with my son to go and surprise his grandma but I’ve never flown with a toddler before... nor have I flown on a plane myself in years. Remy is about to be 2 and is VERY loud and active. ✈️✈️✈️✈️

PLEASE help with ANY tips or tricks you have for your 2 year olds, what to bring and NOT to bring, anything you can help with!

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Also, pediatrician okayed giving him a little bit of Benadryl to help him sleep and keep his sinuses open for his popping ears.
15.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
Yes! Fly around nap time or an overnight flight. Did this with my one year old on a 4 hour flight. Flew overnight. Packed the essentials for the plane ride, something to drink and snacks to help with popping ears. The chewing and sucking motion helps relieve the pressure. A tablet or phone loaded with kids movies and such. But if you can coordinate it around a time that he or she will be tired, it shouldn’t be bad. Mine is very active and loud too!
15.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
Snacks toys is flight around nap time
13.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
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