Praying for you and family as well! My baby girl had to be in the NICU right after I gave birth I couldn’t hold my self together.. I know exactly how you feel! I remember that first night I woke up every two hours to go back in the NICU and feed her. I don’t remember sleeping when she was away from me. Sometimes I think back to myself, and say WOW I can’t believe I did that and right after my csection😭We mommies are SUPERWOMEN! So mama, hold ON. Your baby will heal and get better to the sound and smell of you! And You and baby will come out stronger than ever I promise ❤️❤️🙏
It is a lot especially to be up at the hospital everyday. I use to do it until my baby was home, I seen moms who came every other day and I was scared for them. I couldn’t let a day pass without seeing my baby face in there. No matter how it gets done, we get through it. We’re all made for these battles. #women
@mommykai I know exactly how that feels. It really sucks. How everything is up in the air, and so stressful. Is the hospital close? Mine was around 45 minutes away. So lame.