Melanie Ash
Melanie Ash
Is it possible to get post partum depression like 9 months after childbirth? Never had mommy blues or anything but I've started having these really bad days wherei i keep crying and feel like I don't deserve anything and im not good enough to be a mom. I can't help it either and have this feeling like my hormones are going crazy. I told my bf and he didn't believe me. Said it wasn't possible this late and only people that cry are just acting like kids and it was a bunch of b.s. I don't have any friends and my family not only doesn't live here but is all scattered and consumed in their own lives so i don't ever have anyone to talk to. I also work full time from home everyday. Don't get me wrong my little one is the greatest most amazing joy in my life and I love her soooooo unbelievably much! Idk what else to do. Is it just me? Am I some kind of crazy?

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Yes it can. Like other ops say talk to your Dr before it gets worse.
07.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
@motherhustler_xo thank you❤
07.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
@gabriellerene I took a test and it said negative but it was expired like from 2 years ago lol. Do they actually expire though?
07.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
It’s very possible, try to reach out to a doctor if possible. I know it may be hard to talk about but talking is the best thing you can possibly do. I suffered from severe PPD and borderline postpartum psychosis. It’s not fun and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. I talked to my doctor about it when my son was about 4 months and I started seeing a counselor. It doesn’t happen over night but you feel like a weight is lifted off your shoulders being able to talk about it. Keep your head up, things do get better love
07.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
PPD can hit anytime within the first year after child birth, if I am remembering correctly. Please talk to your doctor, your not crazy and it's not bs! Hormones suck and motherhood is tough. Keep you head up and seek help for yourself, you don't deserve to feel like this nobody does, you deserve to be at your best and your child needs you at your best. Best wishes. 💗
07.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
Are you pregnant again and just don’t know it? I been feeling hormonal lately too
07.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
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