Is it possible to get post partum depression like 9 months after childbirth? Never had mommy blues or anything but I've started having these really bad days wherei i keep crying and feel like I don't deserve anything and im not good enough to be a mom. I can't help it either and have this feeling like my hormones are going crazy. I told my bf and he didn't believe me. Said it wasn't possible this late and only people that cry are just acting like kids and it was a bunch of b.s. I don't have any friends and my family not only doesn't live here but is all scattered and consumed in their own lives so i don't ever have anyone to talk to. I also work full time from home everyday. Don't get me wrong my little one is the greatest most amazing joy in my life and I love her soooooo unbelievably much! Idk what else to do. Is it just me? Am I some kind of crazy?