The father of my child (Fiancé) (We don’t live together) so when we (me and our son) comes over to visit which is every other week I look at it like some free time or a break because I’m taking care of our son Monday-Sunday day to night (which isn’t a problem I love my son) I just be wanting to catch up on some sleep because at night he wakes up every 2-3 hours to eat and I’m a FTM so I had to adjust quick. But anyways when we come visit him he helps throughout the day here and there like we take turns with diaper changes but I do all the feedings smh. He plays with our son sometimes to entertain him but when night comes I expect to get a decent amount of sleep since the father is here to help but noooo. Our son wakes up and start crying he just let him be smh 🤦🏽♀️ I said I wasn’t spoiling my child but I’m always not going to just sit there while his screaming at the top of his lungs because he’s hungry. Then he finally feed him or i do and he(the father) decides to go to sleep and just stick him with me. So I be up until 4 and I have problems falling asleep so I’m really up until 12pm and he STILL doesn’t want to get up to help me. Like I don’t get it. I’m ready to give up on trying. We made him together were in this together. I want him in my child’s life. But I will leave him and take my son with me and see how much effort he puts into coming to see us.
Any advice?? We need help because I’m about ready to give up on him and just do this on my own. I feel like I been alone so far. FYI our son will be 2 months on the 15th