@maurissaerhardt yes we are !!!! And I I know what you mean I loved my daughter before she was born too and when she was born your love only grows and grows then you realize what real love trully is ;)!
@jleona, aww congrats mama and oh wow that’s pretty cool! Yeah I couldn’t wait to announce mine especially since everyone was constantly asking me if I picked a name lol I’m pronouncing it as (MEE-LAH) but the way it’s spelled makes people think it’s pronounced (my-lah) which aggravates me lol so I think I’m going to spell it differently so people know and because I want it to be unique.
@verguinia, wow that’s incredible but oh no I’m so sorry to hear about your twin that’s so sad but I’m glad you made it! We’re miracle babies!! I didn’t think I’d be able to carry because of family history and what not but here I am and I’m so beyond blessed she’s my world already even though she’s not here yet! ❤️
@maurissaerhardt June 1st. Our daughters names are very similar. I'm one of those ppl that wait until my child is born to tell ppl tho lol. How are you pronouncing Mila?
@maurissaerhardt I was premature and a twin and my twin didn't even make it but heyyy praise the Lord God's Got us covered !!! I didn't even think I would ever have another child yet hear I am !
@verguinia, it’s such an awesome feeling because I would be so nervous since most of the women in my family are high risk carriers and I thought I would be because of my asthma and being born premature myself but I made it past all of that so far! Almost there mama 😊