Wow I'm really hating the term rainbow baby....
It to me seem to burst drastically all over now.
What I don't get is that sure you lose a child and morning for that said child but to call the second child a rainbow because what you had sex again and got pregnant a second time.
Plus what I fail to see and or understand what's the duration??
How long does the first, third, or second has to be dead to have to been called a rainbow child?
Sure my own mother had a miscarriage before having me but I'm no rainbow child, I can say the same for my boyfriend's first child again his second child is no rainbow child.
Again what the fuck??
To add to this I must say how would it make the child feel when you mention it to them..
Oh by the way after your sister/brother died your called the rainbow just go you know your more special due to you are alive before your dead sibling , don't forget that, and if there were more siblings how they feel to know the second is the only special one because he /she was born after the death of the other.
Wow that's even more fucked up.. then calling the child a rainbow.
Awe so cute you lost your child and continued to have sex then had another.