Jordan Smith
Jordan Smith
Wow I'm really hating the term rainbow baby....
It to me seem to burst drastically all over now.
What I don't get is that sure you lose a child and morning for that said child but to call the second child a rainbow because what you had sex again and got pregnant a second time.
Plus what I fail to see and or understand what's the duration??
How long does the first, third, or second has to be dead to have to been called a rainbow child?
Sure my own mother had a miscarriage before having me but I'm no rainbow child, I can say the same for my boyfriend's first child again his second child is no rainbow child.

Again what the fuck??

To add to this I must say how would it make the child feel when you mention it to them..

Oh by the way after your sister/brother died your called the rainbow just go you know your more special due to you are alive before your dead sibling , don't forget that, and if there were more siblings how they feel to know the second is the only special one because he /she was born after the death of the other.

Wow that's even more fucked up.. then calling the child a rainbow.

Awe so cute you lost your child and continued to have sex then had another.

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@delamorena2121 ❤
02.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
@tlistboom, @breederofboyz, @maddoxsmama, @starting_over39, you guys are really nice 😊
02.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
@starting_over39 no I was not just stating I'm ignorant to the term and not understanding it also tryingnto put as usual logic into something that is more on the emotional side usually does not work but I'm dumb enough to keep trying
02.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
@restputant there's no time frame .. period. Everyone mourns differently so no the term isn't being misused. It is being used however that mother is choosing to.
02.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
@maddoxsmama exactly I am ignorant chance the curiosity, and misunderstanding of the term rainbow child
02.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
Yes but some people conceive but have multiple miscarriage then its that ONE that finally sticks and produces a newborn little miracle that people have coined the term rainbow baby.

As far the length or time of mourning I can't say . That's up to the individual . the term osmt in reference to mourning but to the loss itself . And the birthing of a new blessing . To each their own .
02.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
@restputant well .. like @starting_over39 said .. it's a mother's personal choice and doesn't effect you or your children in any way. Try focusing on more positive thoughts.. being negative on things you don't understand or care to feel compassion over, gets tiring and effects you mentally .. whether you believe that or not.
02.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
@starting_over39 there are a lot of things people don't want to talk about....
Which I understand traumatic shit happens and could reoccur and put those said people back I to a possible backwards spiral..
Meh to each their own I was curious more anything on the during of the mourning before you call the next live child a rainbow..
Hence why I think it's bring misused like many other terms in the English language.
02.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
How ignorant..
02.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
How long one mourns is a life journey especially if it's you children so like I mentioned in previous post, we are all similar human beings but we all react differntly to certain situations. This is not stupid just because you may not understand it or comprehend the person's reasoning. It's a grey area and one that can become very argumentative. I don't think that's what your trying to do here with this post 🤔 ruffle a few feathers 😂 @maddoxsmama @tlistboom @breederofboyz
02.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
@tlistboom well duh I did say I hate it and woman up to what a term that seems to be in misuse ?
Again I said I do not understand, why the second child should have a special credentials due to the loss of the first..
Again I was second my older sister was a miscarriage and I was not a so called rainbow child plus I as well have 11 other younger siblings after me I fail to perceive this rainbow child status
02.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
Either way it's a mothers personal choice to refer to her child in such a manner.. If doesn't relate to you that's ok to but that's for personal reasons and there is absolutely nothing wrong with the term. Everyone mourns and reacts differently. You don't agree with that term and that's your prerogative and nobody should judge you for it. Just some things should be left unsaid and keep it moving. Religion, Politics and deceased children especially. @breederofboyz @tlistboom
02.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
@breederofboyz even then the term is stupid beyond stupid because if the person or said people were not trying to conceive, it still translate to the fact they were still having sex after the child died and when you have sex what happens....

I know some can not but still..again how long do you have to be mourning before you consider your second or what ever child a rainbow???
02.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
Why not build other women up rather than judge what they do or how they deal?! The world is filled with enough hate .. how is this even a rant?! It just screams hate.
02.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
@breederofboyz perfect explanation.
02.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
I think the term came is a translation from after the storm a rainbow appears. When losing a child a parent/family may feel devastated & broken . Probably spend months or years trying to conceive . so when they finally do & carry that child full term & birth them , they feel a sense of peace/joy. Like a rainbow after the storm.
02.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
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