I was hoping to have my son last night.....like waiting for him to break my water......and it didn't happen yet....so of course had a melt down to my husband on how he is never going to come out... At 2am... Just feeling disspointed/depressed
@badassangel90, I'm expecting my second 10 lb. baby... I've been expecting him to destroy my lady bits for weeks. Especially because he's been head down since 30 weeks, been having Braxton hicks since 27 weeks and it feels like someone is hammering a nail up into my lady bits with every step.
How long have you been having steady contractions?
@sadiesue0718 Really? Ugh... Contractions suck really bad hubby wants me to go in tonight but idk.... I can't push the baby out they have to cut me open
For 2 weeks yesterday they lasted for a good 2-3 min today it's lasting for 6-7