Alright moms! I need help with a 1 year old that doesn't want to stay in her pack n play throughout the night. She was staying in her pack n play till about 4 ish then wanting out but now it is sleep an hour in the pack n play then cry till I get her out. We are in the same room with the pack n play close to the bed. Any advice on how to get her to stay in the pack n play all night? Thanks in advance!!! Pic for attention
Have you tried one of those stuffed animals that light up? The star ones , or something of that nature? It may help distract her. Another thing, me and my daughter share a room and when she did sleep in her pack n play, I’d have to give her a drink, turn the tv on and leave the room. She would NOT sleep for anything if I were in there lol
@mrsowens2u babies definitely learn routines. That's why we have great nap times but horrible bed times cause when I work late some evenings she comes with me so she is used to being up late but it throws off her sleep the next day. It's s vicious cycle.
Yes. I'm telling you babies learn with consistence. Just keep with what your doing every day and they start to get used to whatever you are trying to do. Even other than sleep.
@mrsowens2u I will need to get the courage to try it one day. At some point we will be thinking about trying for another babe so I will want her in her own bed throughout the night by then.
@mrsowens2u I absolutely hate hearing her cry so crying it out will be super hard for me. My husband goes to sleep and sleeps through anything so he won't be any help when she wakes up in the middle of the night and I give in.
Crying it out is the only way at this point. I'm going through the same thing and I let my son cry it out. It is very hard in the beginning but will be beneficial in the end.