With my first, when I lost it in one large chunk, labor contractions started immediately. Didn't lose it with my second. With my third I lost it over a period of about 3 days then labor contractions started. I've heard it's different for everyone and every pregnancy.
27.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
Yes it comes out little by little and you may have never noticed. It is just lubrication for labor. Unless you notice blood and contractions labor isnt near
@beemommyof3, I saw I had lost mine today and i thought it was sperm when I used the restroom and I’m 8 months I mean does that mean you are ready for labor soon?
27.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
You lose your mucous plug throughout your pregnancy. I lost mine 3 times. It regenerates itself, the last time I lost mine was 40 weeks