When I was breastfeeding I exclusively pumped and had to feed baby every 2 hours (breastmilk passes through their body faster) I've never seen a month old baby go as long as four hours without breast milk unless they are sleeping so you're probably feeding too much at once. It's a hassle I know but you might just need to feed more often at smaller amounts. 7 ounces is definitely a lot for a one month old. Ask your pediatrician too I'm sure if you give them a call they'll tell you what to do.
We are trying to feed every 3 to 4 hours sometimes every 2 hours depending on how much he ate. We limit 4 oz at once but within an hour he's balling for more. So we make either a 2 oz bottle or I breast feed. We will do this off and on until 3 hour mark or so and he will get a 4 oz bottle and pass out
Like today he ate only 2 oz at 530/6am then fell asleep and couldn't wake him to eat more. (Heavy sleeper like his daddy) but at 8 he ate 4 oz bottle.
My son is one month and would eat as long as I gave it to him probably. His one month check up was yesterday and the pediatrician said that he is going through a major growth spurt and his tummy is expanding, so he will tend to eat more. I stop my son at 3-4 ounces per feeding. He eats every 2 hours regularly unless he is sleeping. It helps when you have only the amount in the bottle, so you won’t go past. I feed on demand and pump just as you do. Also know how it feels to not want to deprive them of any
Milk if it seems he is still hungry. They are likely fine, especially if they are gaining weight like my baby. Good luck with regulating his meals! @belleryan33,
I wouldn't have cared about feeding him at the restaurant but my LO nevers been able to latch on without a nipple shield and that's hard enough to deal with at home. Would be terrible in public.
@_sheriee I do both but yesterday he was visiting grandma while my fiance and I ran and did some things. Plus grandma really wanted grandma time. So I wasn't able to feed him from me. But then my fiance my LO and I went our on a family date and I had pumped right before picking him up to relieve the pain.
7oz seems a bit much for a 1 month old but if that's what he's taking and he's not spitting most of it back up then I'm sure it's ok, he's just a hungry boy.