She didn't have to call her names. Set aside that. Everyone has their choices to make in their life and no one should be in any position here to judge anyones choices. Absolutely no-one is perfect on here including myself. We don't need to put others down on here to make yourself feel better than one another. We are all created equally on here. No-one is lesser or better than anyone. It should be zero tolerance of putting one down on here. Especially the name calling. So check yourself before anyone puts down a mother on here. Godbless everyone.
23.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
@larubia2723, Nope. I’m the community manager of the mom life app. 😊
23.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
No need to get rude mamas. Not everyone sees everything the same way. It’s ok to have a difference of opinion.
23.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
I live in West Virginia and know a LOT of mothers who have used while pregnant. In my personal opinion, it's better than smoking cigarettes when pregnant so why they treat it like meth I don't know. But my point is that their babies went home no problem. In my state you can do heroin while pregnant and still keep your kid though so.. not sure how it is where you live
@mckallalynn.. Damn, yeah the didnt make it out to be so serious with her
23.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
In our state if you test positive for anything including marijuana they contact cps and take the baby into state custody unless a family member will take the baby, also you get arrested for child endangerment but that's here in Tennessee.