Extra depressed....my baby is almost 1 month old....my other baby is almost 2 years old, i should be extremely happy....and yet im not....my grandfather passed in November, i cried miserably while looking at pictures of him yesterday. I cried 4 times because I feel like a failure of a mom. I had a very vivid dream last night of my hubby cheating on me....(he isn't, but it scared me) so this morning I told him about it, i feel like a failure of a wife because things aren't the same as they used to be before the kids were born. I feel like everything is my fault, and that everything is falling apart. My house is a disaster because I just can't get the motivation to clean it. The kids irritate me 24/7 and then I yell at them because I'm irritated....but then feel horrible for yelling at them.... I just feel like crap....and needed to vent.... I'm sorry for the long status....