My baby began teething at 3 months and when ever he got extra fussy, i gave him Camilia but i hardly noticed any positive change so i discontinued it. I give him rubber teethers(Hakaa and CaaOcho products) alongside other teething toys(that can be refrigerated) to chew on but they do not seem to do the job...worst still,i have to try my best to assist him most times as he is still matering firmly holding things in his mouth. Unfortunately, the fussiness gets worse as days go by and still no teeth at almost 5months😐...i am aware it might take longer though. I am in need of a safe and effective remedy. I am just wondering what is working for your baby? (Pardon my lengthy rant😓)

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@caitlynallimoreau ok,might check that out.
18.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
@sharlet002, awe yeah I know I’m jealous of those parents too!! I don’t think there is much else. Maybe oragel?
18.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
@caitlynallimoreau Yea,we did ask our paediatrician but her response was that we gave him tylenol if ever he develops a fever due to teething... We also tried the cloth freezing method but noticed he found it too cold/unpleasant to chew on. I do envy parents who say they just woke up to find their baby with first tooth without showing any prior teething unfair!🤣 Besides the fussiness, one still has to deal with the endless drooling which isnt kind to baby skin either.😞
18.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
My son started teething at 3 months and we gave him face cloths. We wet the face cloths and then put them in the freezer for him to chew on later. But what really helped us was giving him 0.5 of Tylenol. I didn’t want to give it to him but he would get him self in such a tizzy that he would vomit. So we asked the paediatrician and he said it would be okay to give 0.5 mg of Tylenol. Always ask your personal paediatrician though! I wish you good luck!
18.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
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