@jessicalh that's why I chose a c-section honestly lol my dr recommended I get one since I was having the health issues but he also gave me the option to stop all the labor inducing meds and let my body rest for a day or so and if nothing happened on its own we would start pitocin again. I had been monitored twice a week and usually my blood pressure would even itself out but the last time I went to be monitored, it wouldnt, it just keep going up. Even at only 1cm dilated I was having really bad back labor. I was also having contractions but nothing major for those. The back labor was my issue lol. I just went ahead and decided to go with the c-section. He gave me time to make a decision but that was just more pain I was going through lol my pain tolerance is pretty high too so I was pretty shocked. I knew I would be miserable just waiting and waiting for something to happen when I just knew it wasn't going to.
I did pitocin with my first they didn't have to dilate me but... I wasn't dilating quickly I got the epidural, puked and like totally dilated right after getting the epidural it was like my body relaxed from contraction pain and opened up. I wasn't past due or really early I induced for personal reasons not medical
@twistedrenots, oh no! Yeah he is over due but he is nowhere near ready to come out so I’m just freaking out cause I’m not dilated nor has he dropped and my office hates c sections I just don’t wanna be miserable for 2 days and then they decide to do a c section
@jessicalh I did. I was induced 2 weeks early though so my girl wasn't quiet ready to come out lol. I was given a few doses of Cytotec and nothing happened, they tried breaking my water and failed twice, I was then put on pitocin and only dilated to 1cm. I had steadily high blood pressure that just continued to get higher so my dr recommended a c-section for both our health. It may go differently for you since you're over due 😊