My man, not married but basically we are. Has been watching porn every single morning. says I act like I am not attracted to him when he tried. But he said that because I didn't have sex after I caught him watching porn on Valentine's because he forgot what day it was. Until he found a gift under his towel that morning Now he random freaks out on me, anything he fucked up on he blames me and freaks out. We have dealt with him cheating a few times. We have been together for 5 years now. I know you may be thinking 'just leave' but I can't I'm still trying to get my diploma online and get a career going. Other wise I'm on SSI with a two year old. On top of him treating me like I'm just a piece of ass. He never changes his daughter, only plays on his video games and stays up till I fall asleep.
I need some real advice besides 'break up' or 'leave him'
Please I'm a mom just needing help comping with my situation
@foreveramamma, here's a recommendation. I've taught these classes and they're wonderful. I wish they had it in more locations, but I'm glad they have it online too. I wish the best for you.
I'm in school too, by the way! Kudos to you- it's seriously hard doing school with kids.