Danielle VonKotz
Danielle VonKotz
So my oldest turns 3 on the 21st and we just got him out of our bed for the first time two nights ago. He’s doing awesome btw. But back to this. I’m not going to lie I hate him out of our bed because I miss cuddling my baby. So tonight my 1 year old who sleeps in his crib wakes up and I rock him in the recliner and he fell asleep on me which he never does because he wants to be me independent. I really wanted to be selfish and try to fall asleep with him and stay there all night but I know he wouldn’t be comfortable and my husband would get mad at me for leaving him alone.

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@breloya, yeah he wouldn’t literally be pissed lol he would just wonder why haha. My one year old doesn’t like to sleep and cuddle so he was moving a lot so that’s why I had to put him in bed
16.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
@leroydoom, lol my son would love one but my husband is deathly allergic to cats. Like he ends up on the hospital and can’t breathe kinda allergic.
16.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
I would've cuddled him some more. They're only small for a short time and no offense, but no husband should get mad at a mother tending to and comforting her child. He will be okay. I'm not saying ignore him every day of course, but one night of you with your baby, he will survive. (I don't know if you meant he would literally be mad or more of a lonely, aww why'd you leave me alone babe type of thing) if that makes sense lol.
16.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
Get a kitten!
(My answer to everything lol)
16.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
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