@sylvia_biddle i hope they only Braxton hicks and gone get consistent for you so you don't have to go to the hospital...that was a hell experience for me
@sylvia_biddle I've had both, Braxton hicks felt more like cramps for me. My tummy barely hardened at all, they were just a little uncomfortable. The real ones had Me in tears and bc it was preterm labor everyone told me the real thing was gunna be way worse...😨
@luceromommy Overall pregnancy has been good to me now it's starting to show it's true colors 😂 but I'm ready to hold my little man so you know gotta do whatever it takes!
@twinmomma2b last night I had a couple it tighten and hardened my whole stomach. Were as before the Braxton hicks was like a period cramp and a little tightening at the bottom of my belly. But both went away...