Ugh my daughter is so sick. She has had a low grade fever on and off since last Thursday. My husband and I took her to the doctor Saturday. They said she had no fever but she seemed okay lungs sounded great nothing wrong with her ears. We were happy! Well yesterday afternoon was miserable for her. She spiked another fever 101 and didn’t sleep well last night. Woke up for a 101 fever coughing running nose. And now she has a 102 fever doesn’t want to drink or eat anything. My BIL works for one of the best hospitals near us and said there is a 6 hour wait at there sister hospital and an 8 hour wait. He said for us to call her doctor tomorrow morning as soon as they open. This is going to be a long night. Please send prayers!!!

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I feel your pain... My 12yr old son was tested positive for the flu today... I'm freaking out bc they prescribed him that Tamiflu (which you hear horror stories about) and on top of that the flu freaks me out... The doctor advised me that I should have my 16 month old daughter seen by her doctor and get her tested to so my daughter has an appointment tomorrow at 1:30 p.m... And I was advised that I should too so I'm over here freaking out
13.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
Praying 💙 my baby has been going through the same thing almost. she is just teething though. hoping your LO gets better soon
13.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
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