I feel bad doing it but i guess i have to... I wish it was completely optional... And i didnt have to go do a bunch of bullshit and pretend i have a religion that goes against it... Its really sad... I hate seeing her cry every time then feel sick afterwards... I feel like a bad mom...
12.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
I vaccinate my kids for those who can not be vaccinated. 💁
Yeah I hear ya and I don’t want to start anything cause of this status I just want to see how others feels and how they worked or didn’t work for y’all
12.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
@morrisontrinity942 my oldest sister didn't vaccinate her daughter and she is fine. Ok thats great. My personal take on it is if I wasn't to vaccinate and my son got something that could've been easily prevented by a vaccine it would be my fault. Idk. Im all for vaccines but I don't judge people who choose not too. I won't push my opinions on people and I expect the same. Lol
I know it is I mean I know everyone feels different about it but I mean I’ve had friends who had kids that were vaccinated and got really sick and one died but then I had some friends who didn’t and there kids where fine and the other way around to so I don’t know I mean my 1st kid is vaccinated but I don’t know if I want my other one to be she been sick a lot of her life tho so I don’t how I feel bout it that’s why I’m asking for everyone Opinion on it
11.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
Regardless.. we vaccinate. Simply because i feel like it's the best thing that is for my son. My family tried to push me into not vaccinating but when it came down to it, he's my son and ill do what I feel Is best.