So my fiancé and I went out and got my daughter her first pair of shoes....she hates them too the point she’s screaming bloody murder, has anyone else experienced this? If so how did you get them over it? TIA
@brownsugarluv, I know! Everyone always has something to say 😂 but after I left them on her for a little she forgot about them so I’m just going to keep putting them on her
Honestly you know her best. If she seems to be more of a picky, demanding, dramatic kid (like mine is as of now) I’d chalk it up.
I don’t force my kids to do anything that isn’t necessary. It’s just better to pick my battles at this point in our lives. Some places call for shoes, some don’t. The people who have something to say can suck it. Cause let’s face it, THEY always got something to say lol
@aubreylynnsmommy, hmm that’s weird, my sons never had a problem with shoes. I was just wondering like If you didn’t put shoes on her at all then maybe she’s not used to them lol
@aubreylynnsmommy, she'll just have to get used to them. I never put them on her much because I'm always home but now that it's cold out i put boots on her to keep her feet warm. I also put them on her and walked her around the house with them on. She's ok with them now. She uses to curl her feet up and they were hard to put on her.
@morganmommy79, I guess that’s what I’m going to have to do I’m just worried she may have a sensory issue, my fiancé says that I’m overthinking it but idk lol
@brownsugarluv, she won’t wear ANYTHING other than socks, we got her soft soles, and hard soles, she screams like we’re killing her for both of them, I’ve tried slippers too it’s a no go, she literally screams like she’s dying.
Yes. 🙄 My son won’t wear hard sole shoes. Sometimes under extreme circumstances we can fool him into it.. Rarely. And he’s two. 😒
He’ll only wear moccs.